Monday, August 8, 2011

High Octane Football, Low Octane Twitter.

Coach Todd Graham announced today that he was placing a ban on his players using their Twitter accounts during the season. 


Most of what players post is gibberish anyways, so I don't really see why anyone should be upset about this move.  It also keeps the players more focused on the task at hand, which is to win the Big East championship.

Maybe if some of the players were more focused on the task at hand last year, this team could have won a weak Big East Conference and secured a BCS bid. 

You have to do the small things first.  Every detail matters and that's why I like Coach Graham.

I'll admit I've not been a big supporter of Pitt in the past mostly because I am more of a Penn State fan, and several of my Pitt fan friends talk so much crap about how much better their team is and then I just laugh when they fall flat on their faces.

Coach Wannstadt lost control of this team last year, despite what some of the players wanted to tell you on Facebook and Twitter.  There was no discipline, and worst of all there was no proper coaching.  Wannstache couldn't outcoach a Youth league head coach.

Once again, hats off to Coach Graham for putting the kabosh on Twitter and leaving the relay of sports information to the team.

Another step in the right direction for this program.

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